Saturday, December 8, 2007

Christmas Party with Stephen Munoz

クリスマス パーティミュージックライブ
シカゴからスティーブ・ムニョス(ギター ソロ )ライブ・カジュアルフード・1ドリンク付チケット \¥2,500日時 12月25日 (火)開場 PM 18:30〜, 開演 PM19:30〜先着30名様に限らせて頂きますので、お早めにお申し込み下さい

Monday, November 19, 2007

"5P Exhibition" 12月18日~12月23日

”5P Exhibition”
初鹿野 雄起、森下 瑛、橋本 崇雅、和田 拓也、山村 章子。


5P Exhibition
December 18th to 23rd, 2007

5 young Osaka artists present their works in a range of media from painting to illustration and more.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ross Wirtanen Solo Exhibition 12月4日~12月9日

ロス・ウィルタネン 展

会場: SoHo アート ギャラリ カフェ
スケジュール: 2007年12月04日 ~ 2007年12月09日
住所: 〒543-0071 大阪市天王寺区生玉町10-20
電話: 06-4394-7456 ファックス: 06-4394-7456

Ross Wirtanen Solo Exhibition
December 4th to 9th, 2007

American painter Ross Wirtanen's dynamic and unconventional painting style and media presents the viewer with images of the world around us. The works are displayed in installation format and transform the gallery into a creative space that is rich in colors and textures.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

"Artistic Sounds" 2007年11月20日 ~ 11月25日

優 「Artistic Sounds」


会場: SoHo アート ギャラリ カフェ
スケジュール: 2007年11月20日 ~ 2007年11月25日
住所: 〒543-0071 大阪市天王寺区生玉町10-20
電話: 06-4394-7456

Suguru "Artistic Sounds"

The exhibition features paintings inspired by the rhythms and soul of Jazz.

Venue: SoHo Art Gallery Café
Schedule: From 2007-11-20 To 2007-11-25
Address: Ikutama 10-20, Tennouji-Ku, Osaka 543-0071
Phone: 06-4394-7456

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Photography Show, Sunday Nov. 4th, 2007

Students from SoHo's photo course display their work for one day at SoHo's 2F gallery. You are cordially invited to come and see these beautiful pictures by Mon Wu and Jennifer Chia Shao Yang. From 12:00 noon till 6:00pm

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

November 6th - 11th, 2007 "Osaka 2.0" by Gary McLeod


会場: SoHo アート ギャラリ カフェ
スケジュール: 2007年11月06日 ~ 2007年11月11日
住所: 〒543-0071 大阪市天王寺区生玉町10-20
電話: 06-4394-7456

ギャリー・マクレオドは日本の風景とデジタル画像を追求し、「大阪2.0」では米Linden Labの仮想世界オンライン・ゲーム「Second Life」に「窓」を付け加え、大阪に焦点を置く。コンピューターを駆使しながら作る視点と記憶は、誰もが参加できるヴァーチャルな大阪を提供する。

OSAKA 2.0: Continuing with his explorations of the Japanese landscape and digital imaging, in Osaka 2.0 at SoHo Art Gallery Café, Gary McLeod presents ʻold windowsʼ onto Linden Labʼs “Second Life” and more specifically its version of Osaka. Using the computer and its screen shot mode as an eye and a memory, the pictures on display are simple visual documents of a journey into this second Osaka that technology lets everyone participate in.

"Osaka 2.0" Exhibition

Venue: SoHo Art Gallery Café
Schedule: From 2007-11-06 To 2007-11-11
Address: Ikutama 10-20, Tennouji-Ku, Osaka 543-0071
Phone: 06-4394-745

Friday, October 19, 2007

UBUD Abstract Paintings

Abstract Indonesian paintings from Bali by M. Lanang, W. Suta Kesuma and more. From October 23rd to the 28th, 2007.

Monday, October 1, 2007


October 16th to 21st, 2007.
“Nihon-ga”paintings by five female artists: Kazue Nakanishi, Yoko Maruyama, Maki Inoue, Ayako Yajima, and Natsuki Machida.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Canadian Photographer Shivaan de Silva's work aims to capture that elusive moment that make an event, person or place unforgettable.

Monday, August 27, 2007

9 月4 日から16日 - September 4th to 16th

「Art Cube」展

会場: SoHo アート ギャラリ カフェ
スケジュール: 2007年09月04日 ~ 2007年09月16日
住所: 〒543-0071 大阪市天王寺区生玉町10-20
電話: 06-4394-7456
オープニング・パーティ 9月4日(火)17:00〜21:00

SoHo is proud to present "Art Cube" from September 4th to 16th, 2007.
Brave artists from around the world have taken on the challenge to fit art into small transparent cubes. Come see what their minds have created!

Opening Reception:
Tuesday September 4th, 2007, from 5:00PM till 9:00PM

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

「うえまちの風」の皆さんへ 締め切り日が間違っていましたので再送します。

『うえまちの風7月例会』のご案内例会を下記の要領で開催いたしますので、是非ご参加下さるようにお願い申し上げます。出欠はメール(又は下記FAX、大野 哲弘の携帯(090-5640-1650)までお願いします。

タイトル: 「21世紀日本の国家像〜松下幸之助が目指したもの〜」


日 時: 2007年7月28日(土)午後6時スタート
会 場: SoHo アートギャラリーカフェ3階
TEL: 06−4393−7456 ★午後8時より希望者で
会 費: お一人1,000円(当日徴収させて頂きます)

詳 細: 今、なぜ松下幸之助なのか? 奇しきも参院選挙前日での講演となり、今度

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Osaka artist Goldie presents a painting series about oceans and surfers. From July 6th to the 15th.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Superhero Show!

Do you have super drawing powers? SoHo agc is calling on interested artists to participate in a two pronged art event!

Part 1: Two drawing battles to be held on July 15th and 17th, audience will vote on best drawings. ¥1000 entry fee includes drawing materials for the battles.

Part 2: From July 19th-29th, winning drawings will be on display at SoHo. The exhibition is free to participate in, however space is limited and a selection of works will be made. Drawing size should be 540mm x 380mm. (we can supply you with the paper).

Friday, June 1, 2007

Thank You

I want to thank each and everyone of the talented artists who participated in this very first show at SoHo. Thank you for an unforgettable experience, thank you for helping us launch each other into the future. Now that Art Salad has come to a close, it's a bittersweet moment. Our doors are always open to you. Remember, let's think about, let's create, let's experiment, let's enjoy art!!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Website Updates

We've been busy updating our website, and we'd like to invite you to check them out. If you have any questions, please leave a comment on this post. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

We're OPEN!!!

The day finally arrived! We opened our doors this past Monday at 12 noon, showcasing the groups Exhibition "ART SALAD" featuring an incredible ammount of talent from local and foreign Osaka artists! The response has been great and the excitement is building up each day.

David Morales, a photographer and friend from Spain, has put together some video footage of the opening on his blog.
and Parts two and three of the video can be found here:
Part 2
Part 3

A big thank you to all the wonderful people who are coming to see the show, and I'd like to invite those of you who havent yet made it over, to come and enjoy some very fine art!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


オープニングイベントととして《 サラダ展 》を開催します、日本人アーティストと外国人アーティスト、総勢22名が、それぞれのテーマを共同発表、これは必見、皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。
開催日 5月21日から31日まで、但し28日(月)は休館です

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Two more days!!

There are only two more days to the opening! a big thanks to all the artists who are participating in the show, almost all the artwork is in and ready to go!

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Cafe

Well, the cafe's almost ready. there's just a few more details to finish up and we'll be ready to go on the 21st. the macs will be coming soon, but internet is at NTT's mercy. I hope to see you guys there in the near future, stop by, have some coffee and enjoy some art.

Also, today we had our second, albeit quite brief meeting, going over some of the final details for the show. Thank you to all those who came. see you guys over the next few days!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Found Items

Here's a few items that were found at Ghorka's after the meeting:
Dom's black windbreaker, Koyama-san's grey pullover, and David's notebook.
These items are safe and sound at SoHo, ready to be claimed.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Art Salad Meeting, May 7th, 2007

Thank you all for coming to Monday's meeting. We had a very productive session, followed by some drinks at Ghorka's Bazar.
In attendance were from left to right: Laura, Saketa-san, Koyama-san, Morita-san, Goldie, Matsushima-san, Dom, Sakamoto-sensei, Shivaan, David.

We covered artwork delivery deadlines, title cards' deadline, sales details, art show hosting, and of course salad making.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Osaka Gallery Guidebook

Our listing is out on the May issue of the osaka Gallery Guidebook! The listing contains information on "Art Salad" as well! This is one of the most widely circulated monthly art gallery publication in Western Japan and we're very excited to announce our modest gallery to the Japanese artworld.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


The invitations have been delivered today. They are ready to be distributed. Each artist will get a block of 30 invites. Please contact us to arrange pick-up.!


Thursday, April 26, 2007

May Meetings

Hello everyone! I have added a Yahoo calendar to the site, to mark important dates regarding the gallery and "Art Salad" I have scheduled two meetings, one for Monday, May 7th, and another for Thursday May 10th. You can attend the one that best suits your schedule. I have sent an email out, to those of you who've given me your email addresses. I have placed a link to the calendar on this site as well.

If you have any questions, please let us know!

P.S. I have received some feedback that the email's had some incorrect dates. I apologise.
once again, Monday May 7th, and Thursday May 10th.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

"Art Salad" May 21-31, 2007

Image courtesy of Kensuke Mabuchi, Copyright 2007

We now have 22 artists from the UK, US, Europe, Japan, Canada and many other places. We need to meet soon to organize both the hanging and the taking down of the show. Some of you have already made your way over to SoHo and I really appreciate it.

The response has been simply INCREDIBLE!!!! Space is now really limited and entry into the show is now closed. Thanks to all of you who confirmed your participation. The Japanese invites are being printed as we speak, and will be ready in a few week's time. Each of you who signed up and confirmed your participation have your names on the invite.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to come over the gallery or drop me a line!

The artists are:
Adelle Sweeney, Aldo Barreto, Asami Inagaki, Buntaro Bessho, Clinton Perry, David Morales, Dom Bower, Erick Purino, Kellen Neal, Kengo Ozawa, Kensuke Mabuchi, Laura Puente Guisado, Maki Inoue, Masanori Morita, Mayumi Sakata, Natsuo Machida, Ross Wirtanen, Shivan De Silva, Tadao Sakamoto, Taiji Koyama, Toshihiko Kinoshita, Yoko Maruyama, You Matsushima

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Calling Artists for May 2007 Opening Show

We're organising our first artshow at SoHo Gallery! We're getting foreign and Japanese artists together for a great show! If you're in Japan and would like to show some of your work, we'd like to invite you to contact us for an apointment to see the space. Participation in the show is FREE! It's time you let the world see your work don't you think? Painting, Drawing, Illustration, Photography, Performance, Sculpture, etc. welcome!

There's a limit of one, two or three pieces per artists, depending on artwork size and space requirements.
All works should be ready for display, that is to say, framed, mounted or prepared for public viewing.

The show will be on from May 21st to the 31st (closed monday 28th). Keep checking back for further updates and information regarding the show.

I'd like to thank you in advance for your participation in this exciting group show.

SoHo art gallery cafe

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Information Update

We've been putting together a rental rates list for the various spaces on the building. We're happy to announce that our rates are the best in the area, perhaps the best reates anywhere inside the Osaka Loop Line. We're also offering multimedia workshops, for those who want to learn how to make digital videos, tweak, restore or manipulate photographs, make animations, design websites, and many other multimedia creative disciplines. As you know by now we have two floors available for exhibitons as well as other needs such as meeting and class rooms, special events and presentations, studio, or additional gallery. SoHo AGC is centrally located, 3 minutes from Tanimachi 9 Chome station's Exit #3, within easy access to the Tanimachi and Sennichimae lines. Part of our vision is to provide a space where art is not only hung and sold, but also discussed, rethought, and re-worked. SoHo is a place to show art, make art, and discover new ways to think about art.

Friday, March 23, 2007

More Layouts!

Well here's what the first floor looks like after all the measurements are in. The thin light grey area you see at the top is what's beyond the ceiling. All in all the space is longer but narrower than I had thought. We are currently revising our initial plans for this space in regards to furniture and overall arrangements. We'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Furniture & Shows

Today we took delivery on the first few items for the gallery and the cafe. We received a couple of chairs for the computer desks, some folding chairs for the multipurpose room, upright lights and a coffee table and chair for the gallery. We also went to see some art at a few galleries and there were a couple shows that blew us away.
First we stumbled upon Gallery Canal on Nagahori, Where a young artist is showing his oil paintings. They are dreamy and innocent renderings of imaginative animals in various everyday activities. His work is very detailed, a combination of heavy texture, rough brushstroke and and a colorful innocence. his animals perform activities associates with people's everyday doings. most striking for me were some of the romantic paintings wehre an elephant and a giraffe reach across opposite buildings to smooch.
Next, Hisaya Taira's "subway series 2007" at Yshiaki Inoue Gallery is simply phenomenal. His show of super-realistic underground acrylic paintings left me breathless. The delicacy of the brushstroke and smooth rendering of Tokyo's underground washed aglow in fluorescent light are superb. If you're in Osaka, go check it out!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Building

The building has a lot of character in its simplicity of design and single mindedness in purpose. it is stoic and functional and the simplicity of its form gives it a very elegant and unique aspect amongst the buildings around it. It"s inset between two massive apartment giants, and th ebuilding seems tiny by comparison.

SoHo Art Gallery Café: first steps

Over the past few weeks we've been gearing up to geth the gallery off the ground. we are currently consulting with contractors for the renovation works needed on the building we've secured for th egallery. Its a 4 storie steel and ALC clad building on Sennichimae-Dori. Foot traffic is great and the area is generally alive all day long. There's tons of restaurants, residential buildings and a couple major train stations steps from it. It's sitting on a hill so the fear of flooding is well, minimal. The building has a lot of character in its simplicity of design and single mindedness in purpose. it is stoic and functional and the simplicity of its form gives it a very elegant and unique aspect amongst the buildings around it. It"s inset between two massive apartment giants, and th ebuilding seems tiny by comparison.