Sunday, May 27, 2007

Website Updates

We've been busy updating our website, and we'd like to invite you to check them out. If you have any questions, please leave a comment on this post. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

We're OPEN!!!

The day finally arrived! We opened our doors this past Monday at 12 noon, showcasing the groups Exhibition "ART SALAD" featuring an incredible ammount of talent from local and foreign Osaka artists! The response has been great and the excitement is building up each day.

David Morales, a photographer and friend from Spain, has put together some video footage of the opening on his blog.
and Parts two and three of the video can be found here:
Part 2
Part 3

A big thank you to all the wonderful people who are coming to see the show, and I'd like to invite those of you who havent yet made it over, to come and enjoy some very fine art!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


オープニングイベントととして《 サラダ展 》を開催します、日本人アーティストと外国人アーティスト、総勢22名が、それぞれのテーマを共同発表、これは必見、皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。
開催日 5月21日から31日まで、但し28日(月)は休館です

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Two more days!!

There are only two more days to the opening! a big thanks to all the artists who are participating in the show, almost all the artwork is in and ready to go!

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Cafe

Well, the cafe's almost ready. there's just a few more details to finish up and we'll be ready to go on the 21st. the macs will be coming soon, but internet is at NTT's mercy. I hope to see you guys there in the near future, stop by, have some coffee and enjoy some art.

Also, today we had our second, albeit quite brief meeting, going over some of the final details for the show. Thank you to all those who came. see you guys over the next few days!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Found Items

Here's a few items that were found at Ghorka's after the meeting:
Dom's black windbreaker, Koyama-san's grey pullover, and David's notebook.
These items are safe and sound at SoHo, ready to be claimed.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Art Salad Meeting, May 7th, 2007

Thank you all for coming to Monday's meeting. We had a very productive session, followed by some drinks at Ghorka's Bazar.
In attendance were from left to right: Laura, Saketa-san, Koyama-san, Morita-san, Goldie, Matsushima-san, Dom, Sakamoto-sensei, Shivaan, David.

We covered artwork delivery deadlines, title cards' deadline, sales details, art show hosting, and of course salad making.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Osaka Gallery Guidebook

Our listing is out on the May issue of the osaka Gallery Guidebook! The listing contains information on "Art Salad" as well! This is one of the most widely circulated monthly art gallery publication in Western Japan and we're very excited to announce our modest gallery to the Japanese artworld.