Tuesday, April 8, 2008

"Art Salad" 5月20日より6月01日まで

Art Salad KAB Listing

SoHo アート ギャラリ カフェにて
メディア: 絵画 ・ 写真 ・ 彫刻・立体 ・ パフォーマンス・アート
絵画・彫刻 5月20日〜25日
写真・映像・ニュージャンル 5月27日〜6月1日
パフォーマンス 5月31日 20:00〜
オープニング・パーティー 5月20日 19:00〜
クロージング・レセプション 5月31日 19:00〜

We are very proud to announce "Art Salad", SoHo Art Gallery Café's first anniversary art exhibition. "Art Salad" is a curated invitational exhibition that embodies SoHo AGC's vision of fostering and facilitating greater interaction, dialogue, cooperation and cultural exchange between artists from different cultures, nationalities and backgrounds. "Art Salad" is a group exhibition that brings together emerging and established Japanese and International artists. 40 Participants from Asia, Africa, Europe, North, Central and South America join together to show their art in the city of Osaka.

The first "Art Salad" exhibition took place in 2007 to inaugurate the opening of SoHo Art Gallery, and it's the gallery's signature annual exhibition. The exhibition is curated by the gallery owners, and works are selected to create an eclectic collection of art in a wide range of media, from painting to photography; sculpture to performance art and more.

The exhibition is divided into two one week shows, with the first week featuring paintings, sclupture and other 2D works such as drawings and graphic works. There will be an opening reception on Tuesday May 20th from 7:00PM.

Week two features photography, video, new genres and performance art. Performances will take place during the closing reception on Saturday May 31st, from 7:00PM.


第1週 / Week 1
Abu Bah, Justin Barrera, Aldo Barreto, Márcia Britto, Krzysztof Debicki, Jason Ferguson, Joe Fitzsimmons, Ross Wirtanen, 朝田 秀雅, 市川 裕隆, 井上 真希, 勝部 珠恵, 河竹 善伸, 川畑 明子, 小泉 篤義, 坂尾 有亮, 枝園 綾子, 中本 俊介, 橋本 崇雅, 初鹿野 雄起, 船戸 真美子, 縫采 徹, 松山 貴至, 丸山 陽子, 矢嶋 綾子, 山田 晃代, 山村 章子, 和田 拓也.

第2週 / Week 2
Celio Barreto, Charles-Éric Billard, Jerry Gordon, David Morales, Gary McCleod, Miguel Ponce, Rick Tuazon, 北尾 篤司, 楠本 涼, 山本 正樹, 吉川 聖司, 宮下 萌.

"Japón y Yo" April 29th to May 4th

Solo Exhibition by Peruvian Photographer Miguel Ponce.
Reception: Tuesday April 29th from 7:30PM

Mr. Ponce has been taking pictures since the age of 13, when he exchanged a number of cola bottle caps for a promotional PEPSI-COLA camera in his native Peru. Mr. Ponce has taken a very personal journey through Japan in his 25 years living here, capturing the world around him with his camera. The photographs in this show have been taken over a number of years, and they have all been taken using film.

The opening reception will be held on Tuesday April 29th from 7:30PM and will feature a live music performance by Mr. Ponce, who is also an accomplished guitar player.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"Cloneliness" 4月26日, 20:00~22:00

Live Performance, Video Screening, Open Worshop/Jam Session and Art Talk by Charles-Éric Billard.
¥1,500 in advance
¥2,000 at the door.
Tickets available at SoHo art gallery

Electro-acoustic music concert, 
multimedia show and open jam session
 by Canadian artist Charles-Eric Billard. Mr. Billard's Experiemntal approach allows him to unlock the music hidden inside even the most mundane of objects. Mr. Billard is a native of Montreal, Canada, and has been active in the Japanese art scene for several years. He has been performing with many artists in the Kansai area for a number of years. Mr. Billard is also an accomplished Video Artist.

Don't miss it, tickets are going fast!


Solo exhibition by Akiko Kawabata. 
Book Illustration.
カラーペンシルを中心に、カラフルな世界を描きだします。 カラーから伝わる何か… それはきっと人それぞれ違うはず、あなたの気持ちに変化があれば、それは明日に続く力になると思います。 どうぞあなたに伝わりますように。