Saturday, October 4, 2008


October Exhibitions and Events:

"Art a Sender"『包想展』
芸術大学二回生14名 Osaka Unversity of Arts group exhibition: painting, sculpture and illustration.
川村拓也, 岩田朋恵, 清谷知世, 高見彩, 浜口美幸, 伏見茂樹, 前田友架, 三津井陽子, 三輪典慧, 向井麻美, 森かすが, 山内麻美, 吉田貞子, 和田始夏.
Sep. 30th to Oct 5th, 2008

"39tomoe" Kouichi Nishimura solo exhibition. Sculpture and Painting.
Oct. 7th to 12th, 2008

"Milkey Pock"
Group exhibition, illustration and photography.
October 15th to 17th, 2008


"Takakiya Festival"
SoHo Art Gallery will be present at
 the Takakiya Autumn Festival inside Kouzu Shrine sponsoring a live art
 performance by three young artists:Yuuki Hatsukano, Yusuke Sakao and Shunsuke Nakamoto. Performace: from 12:00 till sunset.

"Atelier Twine"
Atelier Twine manufactures of a wide 
 range of twine products for textile artists and hobbyists.
Photography by Robert Banas. Sunday Oct. 19th, 12PM to 7PM

"Hana" Yuki Omuro and Mamiko Kozai
Original Bridal Fashion Designs
Oct. 21st to 26th, 2008

Group exhibition: Graphic design and Mixed media works.
Oct. 28th to Nov. 2nd, 2008

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