Monday, November 24, 2008


Dear friends and visitors, SoHo will be closed from December 2 to 4th for maintenance and repairs to the gallery. We will be open again on December 5th. Thank you for your understanding.

December Exhibitions:

"A Dozen Roses, 12 colours"

Australian artist Jason Ferguson's solo painting exhibition.
December 9th to 14th, 2008


第二回  アートキューブ公募展
総勢 30名の各分野のアーティストがキューブの中にそれぞれの作品を表現しています。
12月16日~12月21日, 2008

足立麻 由子, 伏野 友華, 横田 智美, 坂口 祐子, 香西麻 美子, 六車安希世, 岩田 朋恵, 山中 裕代, 馬場 辰弥, 縫菜 徹, 片岡 健助, 北村浩志, 小泉 篤, 河竹 善伸, 朝田 秀樹, 吉田 賢司, 市川 裕隆, 森 ミブ, 佐野 ヒロヒサ, 東 リョウ, フクダ リョウ, 山崎 理恵★  Ross Wirtanen, Jason Ferguson, Justin Barrera, Márcia Britto

"Color 6"

Group Illustration exhibition by Osaka University of Arts character designers.
12月23日~12月28日, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

"Soñar con Japón"

Queridos amigos, tengo el placer de comunicarles que "Soñar con Japón" ya ha salido a la venta el dia de hoy. Este lindo libro fotográfico, producido por David Morales de, junto a un equipo de bloggers españoles radicados en Japón, comprende imagenes de este bello pais y esta escrito en ambos idiomas; castellano y japonés.

Tuve el gran honor de ser invitado a participar en este proyecto, y es con mucha felicidad que les invito a visitar los siguientes enlaces para ver un poco más de cerca este libro.

“Soñar con Japón”

Editor: David Morales (Manager,

Alejandro Cremades
David Esteban
Héctor García)
Javier Serrano

Prólogo: Celio Barreto

Concepto original, diseño y maquetación:
N° de páginas: 100
Tamaño: 19x19cm
Primera edición: 7 de Noviembre de 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


November Exhibitions at SoHo

"Fast Forward" 11月4日~11月9日, 2008
角南 正人      Masato Sunami
佐野 祥久      Yoshihisa Sano
山本 かおる    Kaoru Yamamoto
周野 朱実       Akemi Syuno

Painting, and sculpture exhibition.

"この惑星の出来事" 11月11日~11月23日, 2008
イタクラ ヨウイチ
, ヤマグチ シンヤ
Illustration exhibition.

"Four Discourses" 11月25日~11月30日, 2008
Ross Wirtanen solo painting exhibition.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


October Exhibitions and Events:

"Art a Sender"『包想展』
芸術大学二回生14名 Osaka Unversity of Arts group exhibition: painting, sculpture and illustration.
川村拓也, 岩田朋恵, 清谷知世, 高見彩, 浜口美幸, 伏見茂樹, 前田友架, 三津井陽子, 三輪典慧, 向井麻美, 森かすが, 山内麻美, 吉田貞子, 和田始夏.
Sep. 30th to Oct 5th, 2008

"39tomoe" Kouichi Nishimura solo exhibition. Sculpture and Painting.
Oct. 7th to 12th, 2008

"Milkey Pock"
Group exhibition, illustration and photography.
October 15th to 17th, 2008


"Takakiya Festival"
SoHo Art Gallery will be present at
 the Takakiya Autumn Festival inside Kouzu Shrine sponsoring a live art
 performance by three young artists:Yuuki Hatsukano, Yusuke Sakao and Shunsuke Nakamoto. Performace: from 12:00 till sunset.

"Atelier Twine"
Atelier Twine manufactures of a wide 
 range of twine products for textile artists and hobbyists.
Photography by Robert Banas. Sunday Oct. 19th, 12PM to 7PM

"Hana" Yuki Omuro and Mamiko Kozai
Original Bridal Fashion Designs
Oct. 21st to 26th, 2008

Group exhibition: Graphic design and Mixed media works.
Oct. 28th to Nov. 2nd, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


『妖怪現代録』9月9日~11日, 2008

Group character design exhibition. 縞居和慶, 伴杏子, 高見麻衣, 高宗錫, 斉藤歩惟, 三宅孝典.


『PUCHI 〜みんなのかわいい展〜』9月12日~14日, 2008

上田ヒロマサ 坂口祐子 内藤隆志 永井真央
 森田将大 清水彬芳


『いもてん』9月16日~21日, 2008

Group sculpture exhibition. Works cast in bronze, aluminum and other metals.
Manabu Asai, Wanaka Kiriyama, Yuka Kaneshiro, Naoto Kita.


"Relics" 9月23日~28日, 2008

Krzystof Debicki Solo exhibition, exploring themes of faith and religion in his continuing installation series.



SoHo Exhibitions

Saturday, August 16, 2008

拾い描き展】村上 五朗 GORO MURAKAMI


9月2日~7日, 2008
12:00〜19:00(最終日は 17:00まで)


森 和弘『Whoka III 展』8月26日~31日, 2008

森 和弘 Kazuhiro Mori
Contemporary Artwork Exhibition.

鉄と銅が和紙の上で時とともに変身をとげる。 手に負えない錆の進行は、時には驚きをともなう表現を見せる。 今年は、昨年の銀座での個展に引き続いての作品、約20点を展示いたします。
12:00〜19:00(最終日は 17:00まで)

Kazuhiro Mori Contemporary Artwork Exhibition. Mr. Mori's one-of-a-kind iron and copper rust prints on Japanese paper are an example of contemporary wabi-sabi art. The tones and gradations of each work occur naturally, without the artist's influence, which is limited to composition and other design elements. These works stem from a rejection to the drastic changes modernity has brought to every day life. They evoke a sense of nostalgia, and recalls a time when the surfaces of the world around us weren't industrially manufactured. The collection numbers 20 recent unique works and will be on display at SoHo from august 26th to the 31st, 2008.

Mr. Mori is a Design professor at Osaka University of Arts, and has his own design company in Osaka.


『5 Colours』8月19日~24日, 2008

Group illustration exhibition.
河合真美 “Mame”, 北野亜里紗 “Shin”, 福岡奈々 “Io Sakamoto”, 福永輝子 “Ishikari Shake”, 吉岡由佳 “Tane”

8月19日~24日, 2008
12:00〜19:00(最終日は 17:00まで)


Sunday, August 3, 2008

『Street Photography』8月12日~17日, 2008

『Street Photography』
Julian Hebbrecht solo exhibition.
8月12日~17日, 2008
For the past two years, Mr. Hebbrecht has been focusing on his new series "Street Photography", taking photos of people on the street, of all ages and walks of life. In this new series, Mr. Hebbrecht seeks to capture the beauty in things and people, whether they are young and cool, old or homeless. He seeks not to reproduce what is already visible, but works to make things visible by showing them in a different way. Mr. Hebbrecht’s pictures are always left untitled. He believes pictures should speak for themselves. As he puts it “Is one picture not worth a thousand words?”


『さんしゃいん』浜田博志 8月5日~10日, 2008

浜田博志 イラスト展 
 Hiroshi Hamada solo exhibition.
8月5日~10日, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

ラテン ミュジック ライブ 2008年08月02日(8PM〜10PM)

1ドリンク付チケット。 2008年08月02日(8PM〜10PM)

Latin Music Live with Jimmy Andrade
Saturday August 2nd, 2008, from 8:00PM
Tix are just ¥2000 and include 1 drink!
Call to make a reservation 06-4394-7456

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Olden Days are Now

『今は昔』は、アメリカ人映画監督Zane Johnsonが、日本で撮影した初の長編映画である。2年をかけて、脚本から、撮影、編集に至るまで、全てを自主制作で行った。物語の舞台は、日本の関西に設定されている。京都、大阪、奈良、宇治市で、多くのシーンが撮影された。本作は、ホラー、コメディー、アクションの要素を組み込んだサスペンス映画であり、民話、神道、日本映画、漫画などの日本文化から大きな影響を受けている。上映時間2時間20分。

入場料: 1000円

"The Olden Days Are Now" is American film-maker Zane J.S. Johnson's first feature film set in Japan. It was written, shot, and edited independently over a period of two years. The story is set in the Kansai region of Japan; various scenes were filmed in Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, and Uji City. It is a suspense film incorporating elements of horror, comedy, and action, and is heavily influenced by many elements of Japanese culture, including folktales, Shintoism, Japanese cinema, and manga. Running time: 2 hours 20 minutes

Sat. July 26th, 5PM, reception following.
Sun. July 27th, 1PM and 5PM
Admission: ¥1000
Reception Party:Saturday July 26th, from 7PM

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"シルクの森" 7月11日~7月16日

大阪芸大デサイングルプ展 "シルクの森"

Osaka University of Arts, 
Design Department group exhibition.
秋田大輝, 猪俣香織, 梅田梨緒, 大西恵理子, 
尾崎侑弘, 金大翼, 小西未来, 佐伯尚美, 
斉藤智美, 榊香織, 谷口愛子, 三河尻, 里美, 
南佐智恵, 吉岡輝起, 林徳銘, クリス, 
浅田麻未, 阿地恵奈, 北川洋介, 竹原友梨, 
通山麻美, 山田晃代, 望月蕗子, 汐見友里, 
新土善生, 田中佑佳, 吉村美希, 和田純佳, 
石川苑子, 池脇 航平。

Monday, June 23, 2008


Kenji Yoshida illustration exhibition.
 7月1日~6日, 2008.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

田口愛 「midori」06月24日~06月29日

田口愛 「midori」
2008年06月24日 ~ 2008年06月29日
Ai Taguchi "midori"

Ms. Taguchi prsents her most recent intaglio print series.
From June 24th to 29th, 2008.

Monday, June 2, 2008

クロキー ワークショップ

クロキー ワークショップ
6月08日: 3:30~5:30
6月15日: 3:30~5:30

Life Drawing Workshop
June 8th and June 15th 2008, from 3:30 to 5:30 each day.
¥2500 per session.
About the workshop:
Instructor-led workshop with female model from the UK. Work on your drawing skills and learn new techniques!
Space is limited, to make a reservation please call 06-4394-7456

Sunday, June 1, 2008

SoHo Collection 6月17日~6月22日

Original art at great prices! Paintings, drawings, prints and more. Revive your living or working space with great art by Japanese and International artists.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Salads in Space

Salads in Space

is Rick Tuazon, Charles-Eric Billard and Jerry Gordon on May 31st 2008.

We'll be performing with special guest butoh dancer, Yangjah, at the closing event for SoHo Gallery's Art Salad exhibition.

SoHo is located near Tanimachi 9-chome on the Pink and Purple subway lines.

Adnission is Free and we will play two sets of about 30 minutes each. This trio has a different sound than what you have come to maybe love (or fear) from Smouldering Door, but the core processing unit is still improvisation.

You can find more info about the exhibition and a map to SoHo at:

Hope you are all well and I hope you can make it!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

"Art Salad" 5月20日より6月01日まで

Art Salad KAB Listing

SoHo アート ギャラリ カフェにて
メディア: 絵画 ・ 写真 ・ 彫刻・立体 ・ パフォーマンス・アート
絵画・彫刻 5月20日〜25日
写真・映像・ニュージャンル 5月27日〜6月1日
パフォーマンス 5月31日 20:00〜
オープニング・パーティー 5月20日 19:00〜
クロージング・レセプション 5月31日 19:00〜

We are very proud to announce "Art Salad", SoHo Art Gallery Café's first anniversary art exhibition. "Art Salad" is a curated invitational exhibition that embodies SoHo AGC's vision of fostering and facilitating greater interaction, dialogue, cooperation and cultural exchange between artists from different cultures, nationalities and backgrounds. "Art Salad" is a group exhibition that brings together emerging and established Japanese and International artists. 40 Participants from Asia, Africa, Europe, North, Central and South America join together to show their art in the city of Osaka.

The first "Art Salad" exhibition took place in 2007 to inaugurate the opening of SoHo Art Gallery, and it's the gallery's signature annual exhibition. The exhibition is curated by the gallery owners, and works are selected to create an eclectic collection of art in a wide range of media, from painting to photography; sculpture to performance art and more.

The exhibition is divided into two one week shows, with the first week featuring paintings, sclupture and other 2D works such as drawings and graphic works. There will be an opening reception on Tuesday May 20th from 7:00PM.

Week two features photography, video, new genres and performance art. Performances will take place during the closing reception on Saturday May 31st, from 7:00PM.


第1週 / Week 1
Abu Bah, Justin Barrera, Aldo Barreto, Márcia Britto, Krzysztof Debicki, Jason Ferguson, Joe Fitzsimmons, Ross Wirtanen, 朝田 秀雅, 市川 裕隆, 井上 真希, 勝部 珠恵, 河竹 善伸, 川畑 明子, 小泉 篤義, 坂尾 有亮, 枝園 綾子, 中本 俊介, 橋本 崇雅, 初鹿野 雄起, 船戸 真美子, 縫采 徹, 松山 貴至, 丸山 陽子, 矢嶋 綾子, 山田 晃代, 山村 章子, 和田 拓也.

第2週 / Week 2
Celio Barreto, Charles-Éric Billard, Jerry Gordon, David Morales, Gary McCleod, Miguel Ponce, Rick Tuazon, 北尾 篤司, 楠本 涼, 山本 正樹, 吉川 聖司, 宮下 萌.

"Japón y Yo" April 29th to May 4th

Solo Exhibition by Peruvian Photographer Miguel Ponce.
Reception: Tuesday April 29th from 7:30PM

Mr. Ponce has been taking pictures since the age of 13, when he exchanged a number of cola bottle caps for a promotional PEPSI-COLA camera in his native Peru. Mr. Ponce has taken a very personal journey through Japan in his 25 years living here, capturing the world around him with his camera. The photographs in this show have been taken over a number of years, and they have all been taken using film.

The opening reception will be held on Tuesday April 29th from 7:30PM and will feature a live music performance by Mr. Ponce, who is also an accomplished guitar player.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"Cloneliness" 4月26日, 20:00~22:00

Live Performance, Video Screening, Open Worshop/Jam Session and Art Talk by Charles-Éric Billard.
¥1,500 in advance
¥2,000 at the door.
Tickets available at SoHo art gallery

Electro-acoustic music concert, 
multimedia show and open jam session
 by Canadian artist Charles-Eric Billard. Mr. Billard's Experiemntal approach allows him to unlock the music hidden inside even the most mundane of objects. Mr. Billard is a native of Montreal, Canada, and has been active in the Japanese art scene for several years. He has been performing with many artists in the Kansai area for a number of years. Mr. Billard is also an accomplished Video Artist.

Don't miss it, tickets are going fast!


Solo exhibition by Akiko Kawabata. 
Book Illustration.
カラーペンシルを中心に、カラフルな世界を描きだします。 カラーから伝わる何か… それはきっと人それぞれ違うはず、あなたの気持ちに変化があれば、それは明日に続く力になると思います。 どうぞあなたに伝わりますように。

Monday, March 17, 2008

『 歪み - Distortion』4月8日より4月13日まで

Group design exhibition by Masashi Haruyama, Sayaka Fujimoto, Mariko Maegawa, Yushi Maeda, and Miwa Mikoshiba
前川真里子, 前田祐志, 藤本明香, 春山正, 御子柴美和.

それは誰もが一度は感じる幻覚の中にある現実。 歪んでいた世界の中で、実はこの世界が実際自分たちにあっているのかもしれない。 歪みきったこの世界をあえて歪みきってしまいたい。 まっすぐってなんだろう、誰しもがまっすぐには進めない。 歪んでいるから他の歪みを呼ぶんだよ。 一般的、現実的、大量生産できない世界。 たとえば、空も、雲も、海の波も。 もう出会うことのできない。 一瞬の歪んだ世界をもっているから。

This installation explores the concept of distortion through a variety of objects and images. It is an interactive exhibition in which the visitor explores the various objects through which distortion is explored. However, perhaps the most successful way in which the artists achieve 'distortion' is in the installation itself. There is a space in the gallery which the artists have set in the middle of the installation to receive and welcome guests. This very element creates the greatest distortion as it blurs the traditional idea of a gallery with that of a lounge. Guests are invited to have coffee, tea and various sweets, and enter the central space and relax on its mats and cushions. Visitors engage and interact with the artwork and artists in a very natural way and in so doing, the gallery and installation are transformed into a social and communal space, transcending the sterility and stillness usually expected in an art space. Whether this fact is pre-designed or accidental is hard to determine, as most artists in Japan also act as hosts in their shows. In this particular exhibition, the creation of an alcove for just that purpose push us to rethink our idea of our relationship with the space and the artwork. While many visitors spend just a few minutes inside an art space, visitors to "Distortion" remain for much longer becoming a part of the installation and helping reinforce the distortion created by the artists.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

"Cream Puff" 4月1日より4月6日まで

"Cream Puff"
Welcome to our world.

Original character designs by Natsuki Aoba, Gyoi, Kenta Tanaka, 
Moeko Nakamura, Yui, and Yuki.


青葉魚月 田中健太 唯 御意 中村萌子 友紀

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"Daisy" 3月25日より3月30日まで

岡本千咲都, 谷岡亜美, 谷口愛子, 樋口朋美, 平井沙季.


Group exhibition, Graphic Art by 
Chisato Okamoto, Ami Tanioka, 
Aiko Taniguchi, Tomomi Higuchi,
Saki Hirai.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"Bottle-Mail" 3月18日より3月23日まで


A Collaborative Installation by 
Kylin and Toru Housai
From march 18th to the 23rd, 2008


Saturday, March 1, 2008

"AREA" 3月13日〜15日

Photography exhibition by 北尾篤司 (Atsushi Kitao), 藤田和美 (Kazumi Fujita) and 吉川聖司 (Seiji Yoshikawa).

Saturday, February 9, 2008

"is it me?" 3月4日より3月9日まで


Yoshinobu Kawatake masterfully manipulates monochromatic lines to give life and dimension, volume and distance to his various creations. Mr. Kawatake takes you through his worlds, introduces us to creatures and environments skillfully rendered with simple lines.

“Stroll” 2月12日より2月17日まで

遊部屋作品展 2008-ストロール
Sawowri Yutori-Beya

■ずっとずっと どこまでも 歩いていこう。
このどこまでも続く ブルーとグリーンは

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

English Class Movie Night

Hello everyone, this month, we'll be having our movie night and discussion on Saturday February 16th at 6:30PM. This month we watch and talk about the story of a group of people stranded on a strange island. Please reserve your spot promptly as seating is limited to 12 people. First come, first served.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

短篇映画上映会 『too many memories and melodies, Shortcakes.』

奈良本 春菜


Thursday, January 24, 2008

EXPRESSION 01月25日 ~ 1月31日, 2008

01月25日 ~ 1月31日, 2008
メディア: 絵画 ・ 彫刻・立体

Márcia Britto's "EXPRESSION" is the latest exhibition of her continued exploration of simplicity, using various media. Her works include Swedish glass sculptures, as well as ink paintings on handmade paper. Swedish writer Simon Berg notes: ”Márcia Britto works in a vigilant way to capture in context the essential... The Works are bare and simplified... You encounter introvert, expectant and calm faces or faces with secretive smiles.”

Ms. Britto works and resides in Sweden, where she has been working on Swedish glass for a number of years, working with some of Sweden's most talented glass blowers and designers.

Monday, January 14, 2008

"Tie" 1月15日~1月20日, 2008

spatial art + work shop
枝園綾子, 山田晃代